My Highlight Reel
These are some of the things that I've worked on that I think are the most interesting and representative of who I am. In other words, this is a view into my interests and strengths as a programmer and team member.
At Tufts I nearly exhausted the networking and network security courses they offered at the time because I love that stuff. I think networking is one of the most powerful fields of study because without connection and the ability to share things, what's the point of creating cool things in the first place?
A school project that demonstrates socket programming, protocol design, and C programming is filecopy
During undergrad I found great community in JumboCode, a student organization that builds software solutions for non-profits, and there I grew my skills in web development, team leadership, and project management. I worked on two year-long projects and served on the e-board for two years.
A JumboCode project that demonstrates leadership, management, web-development, and database skills is TUPIT
My senior year of undergrad I completed a Capstone project - a year-long project with 3 other engineers for a client - that brought together embedded Rust programming, microcontrollers, Bluetooth, audio manipulation, laser cutting, and a bit of electrical engineering. It was a huge undertaking that I'm surprised we finished on time, but the final product was really quite neat.
My senior Capstone project was called CyberGrape
signpost care to venture further?
Highlights - not sure where to start? start here!
Side Projects - the website you're currently looking at
Tufts - my training grounds
JumboCode - web development for social good
Animal Aid - where I was a developer
Eboard - where I did leadership things
TUPIT - where I was a tech lead
CanJam - a multithreaded peer-to-peer sound canvas
CyberGrape - a tactile spatial audio system
RPC - remote procedure calls in C
filecopy - copy files over a highly unreliable network