
Oh, hey there! Didn't see you come in. My name is Tyler and I'm a software engineer based in Boston working at Paytronix. I graduated from Tufts University in 2024 with a degree in Computer Science. I've enjoyed working on a variety of projects over the years, but my favorites involve web development, networking, and security.

With that, welcome to my home away from home. This is a space for me to talk about those projects I mentioned, my education, hobbies, and whatever else I want to share. It's sort of a hybrid between a blog and a portfolio, I suppose.

Feel free to explore the site via the directory below and don't hesitate to slip me a message if you have any questions or have ideas for how to make my website better. I'm also always happy to chat with folks about programming, sci-fi books, ballroom dancing, or whatever.

map Directory



Highlights - not sure where to start? start here!


Side Projects


Crochet Pattern Designer


tylerthompson.work - the website you're currently looking at

Tufts - my training grounds



Database Systems

Distributed Systems

Intro to Security


JumboCode - web development for social good

Animal Aid - where I was a developer

Eboard - where I did leadership things


TUPIT - where I was a tech lead


CanJam - a multithreaded peer-to-peer sound canvas

CyberGrape - a tactile spatial audio system

RPC - remote procedure calls in C

filecopy - copy files over a highly unreliable network

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